Our Certification Assessment is known as the PMAC:
The Project Management Assessment and Certification.
The PMAC is a pathway allowing those who qualify to demonstrate their Knowledge, Experience, and Skills to achieve certification as a Project and/or Program Manager.
At the conclusion of the PMAC, successful candidates will be issued certification and admitted to the Institute of Project Management at the highest level for which they are eligible.
When you register for a PMAC we will gift you the RPM Video-On-Demand Certification Course for free. You can use RPM to stay up to date on project management best practices and to ensure you have all the latest tools and techniques for your projects.
An overview of the 4 levels of certification:
All certifications are granted for life with no renewal on continuing education requirements.
The PMAC is not an exam – it’s a chance for you to demonstrate to a Certified Project Trainer (CPT) you possess the skills to lead projects and teams.
It’s a formal yet casual recorded interview between you and a Certified Project Trainer based upon the things you’ve done, the projects you’ve managed, and the teams you’ve led. In short, it’s all about YOU.
Also, veterans: We’ve base-lined military ranks, valuate your military experiences and then apply them to your PMAC profile. We also ensure every veteran and first responder gets 10% off the price of the Assessment.
If you’d like to see how you qualify experientially for certification you can use this link to access a tool provided by the Institute of Project Management: Certification Pre-Assessment Tool.
But, rest assured, your experience with us doesn’t end at the certification – it ends when we’ve done all we can to help you get established in your next career. Certification is the first step.
$600 all-inclusive fee
($540 after 10% discount if you are a Military Veteran, First Responder, EMS, or Teacher – just use the code SERVICE for your discount)
1-2 hours (depending on your level of experience)
Video or Telephone
The PMAC is NOT an exam. It is an Assessment of your skills and abilities as a Project or Program Manager based on 3 Criteria: Knowledge, Professional Experience, and Skills.